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Source and Download

The downloads are not available for PadController just yet. However some other developers have used the information on this site to create linux and osx drivers, see below!

SVN access to the source code is available, I'm also considering moving the code to github, if you want access to it please email me (me at dominicclifton dot name)


Not available yet

There are two other drivers available which might help in the mean time:



This tool allows you to program your DX1 under Linux. You need only run it once after starting the computer to program the keys, or again if you change the key mapping. It does not need to remain running (it is not really a driver in any traditional sense). Keys are specified in a separate file so you can create multiple profiles. Macros are not supported - there is a monitor mode that will read macro keys (type 3), but does not act on them. Only regular keys (type 1) and modifier keys (type 2) are supported.

Compile and run to see usage instructions. See comments at top of sample profile (csv file) for instructions on defining profiles.

If you get an error claiming the device you can run as root or figure out how to get udev to set the permissions on the usb device node when it's created. On Debian (unstable, as of 12/2009) this can be done by creating a file ”/etc/udev/rules.d/ergodx1.rules” containing something like this:

ATTRS{idVendor}==“1603”, ATTRS{idProduct}==“0002”, MODE=“0666”, GROUP=“root”

This driver is licensed under GPL v3, and was written by Richard A Burton (richardaburton {at} gmail {dot} com) back in 2007. The code is entirely separate from the C++ code otherwise discussed on this website, but as that is not yet publicly available (and is primarily aimed at windows) I have decided to post this version for people to play with on Linux. Please contact me (Richard) for further information, or to let me know if you further develop the code.



This is a statically compiled version for Intel Macs.

The linux tool can be compiled for Mac OS X by installing libusb-0.1.12 from

The default makefile will make a dynamically linked binary which is probably fine for most people. If you want to statically link the libusb library, use the commandline:

gcc -o ergo ergo.c /usr/local/lib/libusb.a -framework IOKit -framework CoreFoundation

downloads.txt · Last modified: 2012/03/06 20:15 by hydra